GlitterNights DIY Halloween Collection Pt 1
Welcome to our GlitterNights DIY Halloween Collection!
This is our Part 1 and we will be making very easy pieces to decorate your home for this Halloween by using these simple materials (materiales):
- White and Black Cardboard (Cartulina Blanca y Negra)
- 10 or more pieces of Black Paper, Orange and Green (Papel Negro, Anaranjado y Verde 10 o mas hojas)
- Glue (Pega)
- Double sided tape (Tape doble cara)
- Scissors (Tijeras)
- Stapler (Grapadora)
- Black thread (Hilo Negro)
Also, we will need you to print out these templates...You Will Need Them!
Print These (Press here) | Imprimir Esto (Oprime aquí)
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To WATCH our TUTORIAL, Press Here!